33, Swipe Left, Swipe Right: A Foreigner’s Adventure in Japanese Love Land

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A Japanese dating app

  • Pairs

Pairs website

Pairs Overview 

Pairs is one of the most popular dating apps in Japan.

While I initially wasn’t very interested due to its popularity, I decided to give it a try, and I’m glad I did—I ended up meeting a wonderful woman through the app. 

Pairs has a large user base across Japan, attracting people from various nationalities.

However, one challenge for male users is that they can only send one message for free, making it difficult to connect without a paid membership.

On the other hand, the app is free for women to use. 

One downside is that the app only supports Japanese, so if you’re not yet comfortable with the language, I recommend using translation apps or tools like ChatGPT to assist with communication.

Despite the language barrier, I found that it wasn’t too difficult to interact with Japanese users. 

I’ve interacted with foreigners who don’t speak Japanese, so I believe this app can work for everyone. 

Recommended Usage 

I suggest signing up for free first, matching with someone you’re interested in, and then upgrading to a paid membership.

This approach worked well for me—I upgraded and within a week, I was able to go on a date, and we’re still seeing each other. 

While Japanese dating apps tend to be more expensive, the risk of encountering scammers is lower compared to foreign apps.

However, it’s still important to stay vigilant, as scammers do exist on Pairs.

That said, Pairs offers better security measures than many other international dating apps. 


Japanese Dating App Trends 

In Japan, there is a trend where women receive many likes, making it difficult for them to choose, while men often struggle to get matches.

Some women may also gravitate toward popular men, only to be let down later, so it’s important to stay cautious and find someone who truly matches your personality. 

For those looking for a Japanese partner or planning to move to Japan, Pairs is a great option.

Even if you’re not fluent in Japanese, you can still have meaningful interactions and perhaps find a special connection. 

Take the first step toward finding your special someone with Pairs. 

Pairs website

【公式】Pairs(ペアーズ) - 恋活・婚活マッチングアプリ 累計登録数2,000万突破!国内最大級の恋活・婚活マッチングアプリ「Pairs」へようこそ。結婚がしたい、恋人がほしい、出会いがほしい、そんな願いをつなげるマッチングアプ...

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I tried to write an article in English, so if you find any mistakes, please no complaints 😂 jk

I hope you all have good encounters and happy relationships 😊

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