17, Dating App Scammers: what to do,

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How to Handle a Situation When You Suspect Someone Online Might Be a Scammer

In this article, I will introduce how to handle situations when you suspect someone on a dating app, social media platform, or language learning app might be a scammer.

Be Aware of Scammers

When it comes to meeting people online, one thing you must always be cautious of is the presence of scammers.

Unfortunately, this issue is unavoidable, and I want to make sure everyone is aware of it.

After doing some research and talking to various people, it seems that scammers often target men.

However, I’ve also confirmed from my foreign female friends that there are scammers targeting women, so no one should let their guard down.

This problem typically arises when you’re communicating with someone you’ve matched with and are interested in.

This makes it difficult to assess the situation objectively.

I, too, sometimes struggle to determine if I’m really talking to the person I matched with or if it’s a scammer.

Naturally, when communicating with someone, we all try to avoid being rude.

However, this tendency works to the scammer’s advantage, especially since they remain unseen.

It can be challenging to judge on your own, so here’s how to handle such situations.


Tip 1: Use AI to Regain Your Composure

If you suspect someone might be a scammer, one way to regain your composure is by consulting AI.

I recommend asking Chat GPT about your concerns as if you were asking a friend for advice.

Engaging in a voice conversation with the AI can help you gain new insights and stay calm.

While this is a simple approach, the information provided by Chat GPT about scams is often accurate and can be helpful.

Note: The AI’s responses are not guaranteed to be correct, so make sure to make the final decision yourself.

There is also a special prompt that can improve the accuracy of Chat GPT’s responses:

Start by asking the AI about scammers, and then use the following prompt to get an even more effective answer:

Prompt to Improve Response Accuracy

I would rate the current response at 60 points out of 100.

What would a perfect 100-point response look like?

Please list what’s missing and then generate a 100-point answer.

Simply copying and pasting this prompt after your initial question will lead to more refined information about scammers from the AI.

Since Chat GPT provides data-driven advice without emotion, it’s easier to accept and can help you stay calm.

Why Losing Composure Makes You More Vulnerable to Scams

Unfortunately, when humans lose their composure, they become much easier to deceive.

Given the right circumstances, anyone can be fooled.

Scammers often try to rush you, lowering your decision-making ability, or they pretend to be charming and use flattery to weaken your judgment.

Regrettably, when people fall in love, their decision-making ability drops drastically, making them more susceptible to being scammed.

Scammers aim to narrow your perspective, reduce your judgment, and deceive you, so be vigilant.

Moreover, when we receive advice from others, we tend to believe what we want to believe.

That’s why, if you start to feel overwhelmed, use Chat GPT to regain your composure.

  • Chat GPT

This is great because you can use it for free and you can also use GPT-4 Claude3

  • Perplexity AI

Tip 2: Think from the Perspective of a Friend Giving Advice

Imagine a friend comes to you for advice about something happening on a dating app. If they say, “I think the person might be a scammer,” how would you respond?

The advice you give your friend would be based on your calm and rational judgment. Keep this in mind when navigating your own situations.

Let’s continue seeking meaningful connections while staying safe from scammers.

  • If you want to discover more places where you can meet new people after reading this article, please click here.
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