3, Discover Shibuya’s Best Local Bar to Meet New People in Tokyo , 2

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A popular bar in Shibuya

  • Beat Cafe

Beat cafe facebook

Recommended Points 

Recommended Age Group: 20s, 30s
Recommended Scene: With friends, alone

A Unique Bar with a DJ Booth and Great Music

This is a bar, but it’s popular with everyone because it has a DJ booth and you can listen to good music.

Please note that the bar only opens at 8pm, and if you go to the bar early, there will be very few customers.

I think there will be customers if you go around 11pm.

If you would like to know about my other recommended bars that you can go to before going to this bar, please click here.

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I’ve never been there after the last train, but it’s open until 5 a.m., so there may be customers even after the last train.

In fact, when I got back around the last train, there were still a lot of customers.

I heard that there are some customers coming from the club, so there may be people even after 1 o’clock.

The drinks were reasonably priced so you can drink with confidence.

My impression is that the customer base is mostly in their 20s and 30s.

Most of the foreign customers are Westerners, so the Japanese customers here are more likely to speak English than at other bars.


I introduced this bar on my Japanese blog to increase your chances of meeting new people


How to Find Beat Cafe

It may be a little difficult to find the bar, but you’ll have fun if you go to the bar, so please do your best to find it.

There is no store sign, so please open the red door in the basement and enter the bar.

The inside is also stylish with bright red interior.

Get lost in this mysterious world and have fun.

Why not try looking for a wonderful encounter at a bar where you can feel a mysterious world?

Bar Information

Beat Cafe

Address: Harvest Building B1, 2-13-5 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Phone number: 090-9334-4342

Opening hours: 20:00 – 05:00

Capacity : The exact capacity is unknown, but it is estimated to accommodate around 30 people (subjective estimate)

Beat cafe on Tripadvisor


  • If you want to discover more places where you can meet new people after reading this article, please click here.
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I tried to write an article in English, so if you find any mistakes, please no complaints 😂 jk

I hope you all have good encounters and happy relationships 😊

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